178 participants admitted to the 2023 competition
Zurück zur Liste(cs) 188 young musicians from 34 countries from 5 continents applied for the 58th International Instrumental Competition Markneukirchen in the subjects violoncello and double bass. Of these, 99 applications from 25 countries were received for the violoncello. In the double bass category, 89 participants from 28 countries applied. Young musicians from Germany (27) are particularly well represented, followed by China (22) and South Korea (22) as well as Spain (10) and Japan (9). New to the list of countries for both subjects are applications from Australia, Honduras and Luxembourg.
Due to the very high number of applicants in the past competitions for the violoncello, the organisers decided to carry out a pre-selection. This was carried out in an anonymous procedure and under demanding criteria by a pre-selection jury. As a result, 89 young cellists from 24 countries received the eagerly awaited news of admission to the competition in Markneukirchen. In the double bass competitions, all 89 candidates were admitted directly after the closing date for applications. From 4 to 13 May 2023, the city of music now invites the young musicians of both subjects aged between 14 and 31 to show their outstanding skills over four competition rounds and to face the evaluation by renowned jurors from Germany and abroad.